Season Two
The Mark's Murders
Telling the Story
S2 - EPISODE 12 (38:04 Mins)
Over the past 170 years, the story of the Mark’s Murders has been told
to Australians in greatly different ways, depending on the era. At
the time, the murders were recorded in detail in official records.
At that time, all Aboriginal people were known individually by name.
Soon after the murders, a newspaper report falsely claimed that James
Mark’s son was roasted alive and eaten by cannibals. This salacious
report was perpetuated for the next 100-plus years during the period
when ‘white triumphalism’ was taught in schools. In the last 40 years,
‘conflict studies’ have told the story from both sides but have been
accused of exaggerating the number of Aboriginal deaths.
Check out the transcript and reference list here: S2 - Ep12: Telling the Story