Season Two
The Mark's Murders
A Tale of One Squatter
S2 - EPISODE 2 (44:13 Mins)
The Mark’s Murders can only be understood by knowing how inland
Australia was occupied by the squatters. This was based on terra
nullius so no treaties or agreements were needed before the land
was occupied by Europeans, known as squatters. The story of
squatting is told through the life of John Browne, who was the son
of convicts but became a successful businessman in the Hunter Valley
and claimed huge areas of land.
Check out the transcript and reference list here: S2 - Ep02: A Tale of One Squatter

'Australian Aborigines Slaughtered by convicts'
[Illustration of the Myall Creek massacre, 1838]
(Phiz, Chronicles of Crime, 1841, VII: 472)