Season Two
The Mark's Murders
Law and Order Take 2
S2 - EPISODE 9 (45:36 Mins)
Commissioner Bligh was unable to achieve law and order on the McIntyre.
Partly at the instigation of Augustus Morris on Callandoon Station,
the Native Police was formed under the command of Frederick Walker
(a friend of Morris). The Native Police were Aboriginal men under
the command of European officers. Walker aggressively pursued “ring
leaders” and “trouble makers” amongst the Bigambul. Peace was
achieved on the McIntyre but at the cost of many Aboriginal lives.
Check out the transcript and reference list here: S2 - Ep09: Law and Order Take 2

'Mounted Police and Blacks'
Depicts the massacre of Aboriginal
people at Waterloo Creek by British troops.
(Available at:
Australian War Memorial)